Police have broad discretion to pursue their duties, but that doesn’t mean they have the right to violate your rights. Yet, it can be difficult to know when you have a legitimate police misconduct claim.

Here are four scenarios in which you should definitely contact a police misconduct law firm like ours. 

#1) When the Police Have Used Excessive Force to Kill Your Loved One

Every week, police officers kill drivers or passengers who are not armed. They kill people with their hands up. They kill people who are running away from them. They kill people who are already in their custody.

Families and loved ones are left to pick up the pieces. 

You have grounds to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit in these cases, but you’ll need to move fast. 

#2) When You Believe Police Have Violated Your Civil Rights

False arrests are sadly very common in New York. A false arrest can completely destroy a person’s life, causing them physical, mental, emotional, and financial damages. 

The cases are often worth over a million dollars when we can prove unlawful imprisonment. The money is definitely commensurate with the damage a false arrest can do to your life.

The line between a false arrest and a bona fide one can be thin. Contact us ASAP so we can begin gathering evidence on your behalf. 

#3) When Police Have Used Excessive Force

You didn’t resist the arrest, but the police beat you half to death anyway. They injured your body, caused pain and suffering, and created medical bills and other expenses.

These cases often play out like any other personal injury case, and qualified immunity does not always help the cops. We’ve helped dozens of New York residents gain compensation for their excessive force claims.

Police should use the least force necessary to resolve an incident.

#4) When You Are Hit by a Police Vehicle

Police officers get involved in car accidents just like the rest of us, and often, the accident is their fault. 

You are not out of luck just because the other vehicle was an NYPD Crown Victoria. 

These cases often progress much like any other personal injury case and involve settling up with NYPD’s insurance company. Nevertheless, there is no good reason to avoid holding cops accountable for their actions while they are on the road. 

Get Help Today

There have been over 180,700 unique police misconduct complaints since the year 2000. While only a portion of these complaints have led to successful lawsuits, it is nevertheless important for you to avoid engaging in guesswork about your specific case.

As police brutality lawyers, we’re always ready to hear you out and to help you determine whether you have a legitimate case.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation today. 

See also:

What to Look For In a Police Excessive Force Lawyer in NYC

Police Brutality and NYC: How to File a Complaint and Seek Legal Action 

Understanding Excessive Force in NYC: A Guide for Victims