Sexual Assault in the Military Lawyer

Empowering Victims: How a Sexual Assault in the Military Lawyer Can Help You Find Justice

At Michael Rubin Law Group, P.C., we are dedicated to supporting and representing members of the military community who have been victims of sexual assault. Understanding the unique challenges military personnel face, our specialized team of lawyers is committed to providing experienced legal guidance, compassionate support, and aggressive advocacy to secure justice and compensation for survivors. Contact us today for immediate and confidential support.

Sexual Assault in the Military Lawyer

What Constitutes Sexual Assault in the Military?

Sexual assault in the military refers to a range of non-consensual sexual activities that violate the personal autonomy and safety of individuals serving in the armed forces. This issue is addressed under military law, which defines and prosecutes sexual assault within its unique legal framework. Here are the key aspects that constitute sexual assault in the military context:

1. Unwanted Sexual Contact

This includes any form of non-consensual touching or physical contact of a sexual nature, regardless of the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. It can occur between peers, subordinates, and superiors, reflecting abuses of power and violations of trust within the military hierarchy.

2. Rape

Defined as non-consensual sexual intercourse, rape within the military is prosecuted under military law, which considers the lack of consent as its core element. The military legal system has specific definitions and criteria for what constitutes rape, reflecting both the severity of the act and its impact on the victim and military discipline.

3. Sexual Harassment

While not always classified under the same legal category as sexual assault, sexual harassment is a form of sex-based discrimination that creates a hostile work environment. It can include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

4. Coercive Sexual Activities

This encompasses situations where service members are coerced into sexual activities through the abuse of power, authority, or threats. The coercive nature of these acts compromises the ability of the victim to give free and voluntary consent.

5. Use of Force, Threats, or Intimidation

Sexual assault in the military may involve the use of force, threats, or intimidation to compel the victim into sexual acts. This can also include situations where the victim is unable to consent due to unconsciousness, impairment by drugs or alcohol, or other conditions that the perpetrator takes advantage of.

The military justice system, through the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and related policies, provides the legal framework for addressing and prosecuting sexual assault within the armed forces. Efforts to combat sexual assault in the military also include prevention programs, victim support services, and measures to improve reporting and accountability.

Sexual Assault in the Military: An Overview

The issue of sexual assault within the military has been extensively studied and reported, revealing both the scope of the problem and the efforts being made to address it. Here’s a structured overview based on recent findings:

Current Sexual Assault in the Military Situation

  • Prevalence Rates: Recent data indicates that 8.4% of female service members and 1.5% of male service members reported experiencing unwanted sexual contact. The Marine Corps reported the highest percentage among women at 13.4%​​.
  • Impact: These incidents profoundly affect the victims’ lives and careers, with over 35,000 service members’ lives significantly altered by such crimes. This impacts individuals, military readiness, and the department’s mission​​.

Efforts to Address the Issue

  • Department of Defense (DoD) Initiatives: The DoD has launched major actions and allocated unprecedented resources to combat sexual misconduct. This includes implementing recommendations from the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military and focusing on the eradication of harmful behaviors through various initiatives​​.
  • Cultural and Structural Changes: Efforts are underway to professionalize the sexual assault response workforce, establish a prevention-focused workforce, and enhance training and structure for sexual assault response personnel​​.

Challenges and Responses

  • Trust and Reporting: Trust in the military’s ability to protect victims and handle cases with respect and dignity has declined, affecting reporting rates. In response, the military is working to improve its support systems and protect victims’ privacy to encourage more survivors to come forward​​.
  • Victimization and Perpetration Factors: Research by RAND highlights that certain demographics and settings within the military increase the risk of sexual assault. Factors such as age, marital status, and specific military environments contribute to heightened risks. The military is using this data to target prevention efforts more effectively​​.

Looking Forward

The military acknowledges the need for a significant cultural shift and is committed to implementing reforms to counter sexual assault. This includes enhancing prevention strategies, ensuring the effectiveness of response teams, and improving trust and safety for all service members​​.

For those seeking more detailed information or assistance, resources are available through the Department of Defense’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) and various support services for military personnel.

How a Sexual Assault in the Military Lawyer Can Help

At Michael Rubin Law Group, P.C., we understand the unique challenges faced by military personnel who are survivors of sexual assault. Our team of sexual assault in the military lawyers is dedicated to providing legal representation, navigating the complexities of military law, and ensuring that your rights are protected. Here’s how we can assist:

Experienced Legal Representation

  • Navigating Military Law: We are well-versed in the intricacies of military law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), enabling us to provide informed and strategic legal counsel.
  • Confidentiality and Trust: Understanding the sensitive nature of these cases, we prioritize your confidentiality and work to build a trusting relationship from the start.

Advocacy and Support

  • Filing Claims: Our lawyers guide you through the process of filing claims within the military justice system, ensuring that your case is presented accurately and effectively.
  • Representation at Hearings: We offer steadfast representation at all hearings and legal proceedings, advocating to achieve the best possible outcome on your behalf.

Seeking Justice and Compensation

  • Holding Perpetrators Accountable: Our goal is to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions, seeking justice through the appropriate military and civilian legal channels.
  • Compensation for Damages: We strive to secure compensation for the harms you’ve suffered, including medical expenses, therapy costs, and pain and suffering.

Support Beyond the Courtroom

  • Resources and Referrals: Beyond legal representation, we connect you with support services and resources tailored to the needs of military sexual assault survivors.
  • Advocating for Change: We are committed to advocating for systemic changes within the military to prevent sexual assault and protect survivors.

Why Choose Us

Choosing Michael Rubin Law Group, P.C. means selecting a firm that:

  • Understands the Military: Our lawyers deeply understand military culture and legal systems, which is crucial for navigating these cases.
  • Fights for You: We are dedicated to fighting for your rights, ensuring you are heard, and working tirelessly to secure the justice and compensation you deserve.

Financial Compensation You May be Entitled To

Victims of sexual assault, whether in civilian life or the military, may be entitled to various forms of financial compensation depending on the specifics of their case and the jurisdiction in which the incident occurred. Here’s a general overview of potential financial compensation avenues:

1. Medical Bills

Compensation can cover the cost of medical treatment related to the assault, including emergency care, hospitalization, medications, and ongoing therapy or counseling.

2. Lost Wages

Victims may receive compensation for lost wages if the trauma of the assault led to an inability to work, both in the short term and potentially long term if the victim’s earning capacity is impacted.

3. Pain and Suffering

This includes compensation for physical pain and emotional distress suffered as a result of the assault. It acknowledges the non-economic impact on the victim’s quality of life.

4. Punitive Damages

In some cases, courts may award punitive damages, especially if the perpetrator’s actions were particularly egregious. These are intended to punish the wrongdoer and deter future misconduct.

5. Cost of Legal Representation

In certain cases, the court may order the perpetrator to pay for the victim’s legal expenses related to the case.

6. Rehabilitative Services

Compensation might also cover the cost of rehabilitative services, including physical therapy and counseling, to help the victim recover from the assault.

7. Relocation Expenses

For victims who need to move away from their current residence for safety or psychological well-being, compensation for relocation expenses may be available.

It’s important to note that the availability and extent of these compensations can vary significantly based on local laws, the specifics of each case, and whether the assault occurred in a civilian or military context. Legal representation with experience in sexual assault cases can offer guidance tailored to your specific situation, helping you understand your rights and the compensation you may be entitled to.

Choosing a Civilian Lawyer Vs. a Miltary Lawyer

Choosing legal representation, especially for cases of sexual assault within the military, is a critical decision that can significantly impact the outcome and process for the victim. While military lawyers, known as Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps, provide essential legal services for service members, there are specific reasons why a service member, or someone involved in a military-related case, might opt for a civilian lawyer with experience in military sexual assault cases. Here are a few considerations:

1. Experience

Civilian sexual assault lawyers with experience in military sexual assault cases may have more focused experience and knowledge in this area, providing them with a nuanced understanding of both the military and civilian legal systems.

2. Client-Lawyer Confidentiality

In some circumstances, service members might feel more comfortable discussing sensitive information with a civilian lawyer due to perceived or actual differences in confidentiality protections.

3. Perceived Independence

A civilian personal injury lawyer may be viewed as more independent from the military chain of command, which can be an important consideration for service members concerned about potential biases or conflicts of interest.

4. Advocacy and Representation Flexibility

Civilian lawyers might offer different strategies or avenues for advocacy that are unavailable through military legal services, including pursuing actions in civilian courts.

5. Resources and Networks

Civilian lawyers often have access to networks of experts and resources that can be critical in building a strong case, including forensic experts, counselors, and advocacy groups.

6. Focus on Victim’s Interests

Civilian attorneys may provide a more personalized approach, focusing solely on the victim’s interests, which can be crucial in cases where military considerations or repercussions are a concern.

It’s important to note that both military and civilian lawyers play vital roles in the legal process, and the choice between them should be based on individual case needs, personal comfort, and strategic considerations. Consulting with a legal advisor who understands the military’s legal landscape can provide clarity and help make an informed decision.

For anyone facing such a decision, it’s crucial to research and consider all options, perhaps starting with a confidential consultation with military and civilian legal representatives to understand the best path forward for your situation.

What To Do After a Sexual Assault in the Military

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault in the military, it’s crucial to take immediate steps to ensure safety, receive medical care, and protect legal rights. Here is a guideline on what to do:

1. Ensure Your Safety

Find a safe environment away from the perpetrator. If you are in immediate danger, seek help from a trusted colleague, superior, or military police.

2. Seek Medical Care

Visit a military or civilian medical facility as soon as possible for a comprehensive examination and to receive any necessary treatment. Medical professionals can also collect forensic evidence, which is crucial if you decide to pursue legal action.

3. Preserve Evidence

Try not to shower, change clothes, or clean up in any way until after receiving medical care and forensic examination. Preserving physical evidence is key for any future investigation.

4. Report the Assault

You have several options for reporting the assault within the military:

  • Restricted Reporting: Allows you to confidentially disclose the assault to specific individuals (a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), a Victim Advocate, or a healthcare provider) without triggering an official investigation.
  • Unrestricted Reporting: Triggers an official investigation and can be made to a superior officer, military police, or through the chain of command.

5. Seek Legal Counsel

Consider speaking with a military lawyer (JAG) to understand your rights and options, or consult a civilian sexual assault in the workplace lawyer with experience in military sexual assault cases for independent advice.

6. Access Support Services

The Department of Defense (DoD) offers support services through the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO). They can provide counseling, legal assistance, and support throughout the reporting process and beyond.

7. Document Everything

Keep detailed notes of the assault, including dates, times, locations, and any witnesses. Also, document all interactions with officials and healthcare providers regarding the assault.

8. Consider Additional Support

Look for support groups for military sexual trauma survivors. Speaking with others who have had similar experiences can provide emotional support and practical advice.

Important Contacts:

DoD Safe Helpline: Provides confidential support for military members who have experienced sexual assault or harassment. Available 24/7 at or by calling 1-877-995-5247.
Your Installation’s SARC: Can provide information, support, and assistance with both restricted and unrestricted reporting options.

Taking these steps can help ensure that you receive the care and support you need while preserving your options for seeking justice. Remember, you are not alone, and resources and individuals are ready to support you through this difficult time.

Take the Next Step Towards Healing and Justice

If you’ve experienced sexual assault in the military, remember that you have options and support available to you. Whether you choose to make a restricted or unrestricted report, seek medical care, or wish to speak with a lawyer to explore your rights, taking action is the first step toward recovery and justice.

Sexual Assault in the Military Lawyer FAQs

How can I report sexual assault in the military?

There are two main reporting options: restricted and unrestricted. Restricted reporting allows for confidential disclosure without initiating an investigation, while unrestricted reporting triggers an official investigation. Reports can be made to a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Victim Advocate, or through your chain of command.

What support services are available for victims of sexual assault in the military?

The Department of Defense operates the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program, offering various support services, including counseling, medical care, legal assistance, and advocacy. The DoD Safe Helpline ( provides confidential support.

Can I seek legal action against my assailant in civilian court?

In most cases, sexual assault within the military is handled within the military justice system. However, certain circumstances may allow for civil action. Consulting with a civilain sexual assault lawyer experienced in military law is crucial to explore this option.

Will reporting a sexual assault affect my military career?

The military has policies in place to protect individuals who report sexual assault from retaliation. However, each case is unique, and outcomes can vary. Support and advocacy services can offer guidance and protection throughout the process.

What happens after I report a sexual assault?

After an unrestricted report is made, an investigation will typically be launched to gather facts about the incident. The military justice system may then take action based on the findings. Throughout the process, victims have access to support and advocacy services.

Are male service members also victims of sexual assault?

Yes, sexual assault in the military affects both male and female service members. Support and reporting options are available to all victims, regardless of gender.